Insulin Resistance And Type II Diabetes: Optimal Diet
The mainstream medical establishment is provably wrong.
Insulin resistance is not a disease; it’s the natural response of your cells to the fact that no more glucose is currently needed by a cell for energy, and to the fact that a cell has become so full of fat that its genetic programming shuts down its insulin receptors, because the cell can't convert the excess glucose into fat without damaging the cell. It’s a natural protection mechanism to deal with chronic hyperinsulinemia (excessive levels of insulin in the blood,) which is in turn a natural response to chronically-high blood glucose levels. [Ref: Understanding Insulin Resistance (American Diabetes Association)]
Insulin resistance, and Type II diabetes, can be completely reversed simply by adopting a zero-carb diet.
Unlike insulin resistance and Type II diabetes, Type I diabetes actually is a disease: The pancreas either doesn't produce sufficient insulin to keep the blood clear of glucose (even though there's no insulin resistance,) or even just stops producing insulin at all (authoritative source): Type 1 diabetes (Mayo Clinic)
Type I diabetes is also best handled using a zero-carb diet, although that's not a cure. A Type I diabetic would still need to use exogenous insulin (meaning from an external source,) because the person’s pancreas either doesn't produce enough, or doesn't produce any at all.
We ALL require insulin in the blood in order to get our cells to take glucose out of the blood, and then either burn it for energy, or else to store it as fat. Glucose in the blood is a poison. As is insulin. Necessary poisons, but poisons nonetheless.
Key fact: Our biological need for consuming carbohydrates is exactly zero. Carbohydrates are NOT essential nutrients, because our bodies will manufacture whatever glucose they need from fats and proteins--either fats and proteins we've just eaten, or else from whatever was previously stored in fat cells and other tissues. That's called gluconeogenesis (authoritative source): Gluconeogenesis (Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry)
Were that not the case, many of the primitive tribes and cultures would all be dead. For many such tribes/cultures, their diets either do not (or did not, until recently) include carbohydrates, or mostly do not (or did not until, recently; but there are exceptions.) Such tribes/cultures can go days, weeks, months without consuming any carbohydrates at all-if they ever do. That's only possible because carbohydrates are completely unnecessary as a food for human consumption.
Humans evolved to eat mostly meat and animal products, no carbs necessary: The Keto Diet and Human Evolution (Dr. Klitz)
Whether the pancreas produces insulin is not relevant with respect to whether or not one needs to consume carbohydrates, because eating carbs only makes any failure of the pancreas to produce insulin worse, not better.
The correct way to deal with a pancreas that doesn't produce sufficient insulin is to reduce one’s carbs to zero, and then to administer insulin from an external source in the amounts and frequencies actually needed, based on the fact that no carbs are being consumed. It would still be necessary to administer exogenous insulin, because one’s body would make whatever glucose it thinks it needs, and such endogenous (internally produced) glucose would still need to be removed from the blood by having insulin signal one’s cells to do so.
But the need for glucose can be completely satisfied by consuming sufficient amounts of proteins and fats. That’s true not just because of gluconeogenesis, but also because our bodies have 2 metabolic pathways for producing the energy our cells need. Glucose is only one of them. The other is called ketogenesis, and that’s actually the metabolic energy pathway that we evolved to use as the main source of energy for our cells. [Ref: Ketone Body Metabolism]
Finally, it should be noted that insulin is also required for the regulation of ketosis, so it would be needed even in the absence of any glucose in the blood.
Deep dive: The END of Insulin Resistance FOREVER - IN ONE STEP !!!
Focus on getting rid Fatty liver and fatty pancreas