Statism Is A Logical Fallacy
"If men are good, you don’t need government; if men are evil or ambivalent, you don’t dare have one." ~ Robert LeFevre
Statism is a logical fallacy, because it is the self-contradictory belief that monopoly power can be its own preventative, the belief that it is logically valid to attempt to prevent the violation of the rights of individuals by establishing an institution with the monopoly power to violate the rights of individuals, and the belief that it is ethically valid to assert that any person or group of people has superior moral authority to any other person or group of people.
The truth is that one cannot achieve liberal ends using the state, because the state is inherently anti-liberal:
Politicians, bureaucrats and leaders will compete for positions of high authority in the government bureaucracy that idealists believe must exist in order for their ideal society to become reality. But what kind of people have the best chance of winning any such power struggles--whether military, political or bureaucratic?
High-minded idealists are always at a severe disadvantage in such power struggles. People who intend only to help others are not likely to be the best at using and retaining governmental power--their very idealism, if sincere, prevents them from using the strategies and tactics most likely to win.
So the most ruthless people tend to succeed at wielding coercive power, and kind-hearted people invariably find themselves at a disadvantage in making practical, effective and implementable decisions on how to most effectively use the power of the state.
"When under the pretext of fraternity, the legal code imposes mutual sacrifices on the citizens, human nature is not thereby abrogated. Everyone will then direct his efforts toward contributing little to, and taking much from, the common fund of sacrifices. Now, is it the most unfortunate who gains from this struggle? Certainly not, but rather the most influential and calculating." ~ Frederic Bastiat
Hierarchical power structures can have only one result: giving effective ownership to the rich and powerful, and denying it to everyone else. The state is a single point of failure, and a high-value target of corruption. Rich, powerful and evil people will _always_ end up in control of it. Always.
The ruling class advocates and supports the state because they know this. They use the state for its ability to grant immunity, monopoly, special privilege and legitimacy.
That's why America was founded on the principle of unalienable rights endowed by our creator. The highest "good" is not a human construct but the immutable laws of God.
Pound sand; I had a discussion with the author to which you were not invited. Sorry to have missed your wit though. Spread it around; oh no shucky darn that spreading stuff is horse manure.