The reason they keep saying freedom is a threat to 'democracy' because it is!
"Democracy? I want nothing to do with a system which operates on the premise that my rights don't exist simply because I am outnumbered." ~ R. Lee Wrights
Democracy: Two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Republic: A democracy where two hundred wolves and one hundred lambs elect two wolves and one lamb as their representatives to vote on what to have for lunch.
Constitutional Republic: A republic with a Constitution guaranteeing that lamb is not on the lunch menu. Eventually, the Supreme Court rules—five wolves to four lambs--that mutton is not the same as lamb.
The monopoly power to make the laws, enforce the laws, decide what the law means, and how it applies to specific cases, can **and will** be used to make Constitutions and democratic elections irrelevant.
Democracy is not a system that puts the people in power. "The people" will never be in power.
Democracy is a system that puts the best manipulators in power.
“We need to give more power to the State so that the State can limits its own power,” said the idiot.
Power is power. Once you delegate it to the collective, you cannot control whether it will be used for good or evil. Nor against whom.
It's impossible to grant the monopoly power to effectively fight injustice, corruption and oppression without also granting the power to engage in it with impunity. A monopoly cannot be expected to police itself; it's a conflict of interest.
"There can be no such thing as 'limited government,' because there is no way to control an entity that in principle enjoys a monopoly of power." ~ Joseph Sobran
State supremacists claim that the state is our servant, and that “we the people” are its master. But when your servant has the big guns, and controls the police and the military, and makes the laws, and is in charge of enforcing the laws it makes, and is the one that decides what the text of the laws mean, and how they apply to you, who's really the servant and who's really the master?
The purpose of the state isn't to defend the rights of individuals against either the rich and powerful or against the majority. Its purpose, in fact, is to enable the majority and/or the rich and powerful to violate the rights of the minority, and of individuals. The state exists in order to grant itself and its agents a license to kill. And steal.
“Since outright slavery has been discredited, 'democracy' is the only remaining rationale for state compulsion that most people will accept. Democracy has proved only that the best way to gain power over people is to assure the people that they are ruling themselves. Once they believe that, they make wonderfully submissive slaves.” ~ Joseph Sobran
The more times I hear one of the commie psychopath sickos say, "____ is a threat to our democracy." the happier I get knowing the war against deep state criminal cartel members is nearing the end... and then the good things come...
What is the solution then? If there's any....